Welcome to Black Cat Pajamas!

Black Cat Pajamas is for those with vintage, offbeat, and maybe even eccentric tastes. I couldn’t find a lifestyle blog reflecting my life, and I knew others had to be feeling the same. That’s why I created Black Cat Pajamas. It combines vintage style or classic tastes with modern living. It’s a blog for people who enjoy the best of all eras and aspire to living their best lives as the individuals they are.

Black Cat Pajamas isn’t a guide on how to timewarp your life and look like you walked out of an earlier era–although I’ll feature clothing, products, and people that could help you in that goal. It’s about having fun enjoying what we enjoy without being a dilettante about historical accuracy. On this site, it’s okay to mix eras in looks and decor or to enjoy completely contemporary beauty products and tech.

Even my blog’s name mixes the old and the new. Cats rule the internet, and I love cats. I’ve a soft spot for black cats because some of the sweetest felines I’ve known have been that shade. Here black cats are lucky and hip. Their vintage representations are pretty cool. The phrase the cat’s pajamas became popular in the 1920s and means something or someone that’s the best. Not coincidentally cat was flapper slang for a fashionable, young woman, and pajamas were then a new leisurewear rage.

Let’s take inspiration from yesteryear’s moderns by being those of today! We’re not going to abandon classics like red lipstick in order to wear earbuds. We’re going to fashion our lives however brings us the most joy. Earlier hepcats enjoyed the styles, ease, freer time, and pursuits modern conveniences and innovations brought them, and so will we!


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